Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Topics for the future

So what I am thinking is this: I am just in the beginning stages of this; my blog is up and running as of now but I am going to spend lots of time learning how to do it right-before I really take off here. I don't want to start off looking like a dodo. Too much anyway; a little bit is probably inevitable! But I am thnking of some of the topics I would eventually like to broach, and I hope people will feel free to join in and discuss them when I do. Let me say here and now: I am not claiming to be an expert on any topic. I am just 'ordinary woman'. I do say that I am a thinker: too much so! I guess that is why I am here...to have a platform to think of and discuss what is on my mind! Basically, I don't have anyone to talk to about these things! Perhaps..out 'there' are women like me, who don't have a platform, and need to be able to share their own stories. So, again let me say, I am not claiming any 'expert' status on any subject but myself! I WILL be doing research where I see the need, and will share it here, when I see the need.
My topics so far...not necessarily in the order written, but here are some of the topics I have been thinking of:

To 50 and beyond!
Are men intimidated by smart women?
No more dieting!
How does it make you feel when your man looks at porn?
Living with a non-emotional person.
Is it ok to fake an orgasm? Have you done it and why?
Is it ever ok to cheat? What if the person you live with neglects you in the bedroom?
My chronic insomnia and how I have coped.
Being unemployed: should I settle for a ob that is beneath my skills? should I settle for a job that I    hate?
Staying postitive...or trying to...in a negative environment.
Is middle age droop inevitable?
My Heroes
What are my dreams? What are your dreams?
Are we the architects of our life? Or is our 'life-map' (just made that up-cool, huh!) set in stone?
What are you grateful for?
The science and art of 'Tapping'. Does it help?
Dealing with Anger!!! And how do you vent? How do you let it go?
My favorite books and my 'to read' list.
Aging and memory retention...my frustrations...how to improve memory.
The seasons of Life

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