Wednesday, February 2, 2011


OK, Day one; starting a new blog; I have NO idea what I am doing! All I know, is while meditating several months ago, I felt compelled to do start a site, probably in Facebook, and to call it KY Woman. I couldn’t figure out what in the world I was supposed to do with it, so I basically ignored it as best as I could, while all the while it stayed there in the back of my mind, nagging me. Then recently I started paying a bit more attention to the idea of a blog. And, as I believe we have free will, I decided to start a blog first, and maybe begin a Facebook site later.
Honestly though, I still am clueless about what I am going to do on here also. I think that I am reasonably capable of writing decently, and, hopefully, interestingly. But what I DO know for sure is that I am excited to create a New Beginning in my life. I have started on a path, shall we say, to Enlightenment. I am done with living a completely selfish life, and I am now on the road to sharing and helping others as I continue to grow myself.
I turned 50 on June 23, 2010. An age I have dreaded all my life, and what I found out after I turned 50 is this: I like it! I like my looks, like my body, like my sexuality,. I even, for the first time in my life, like ME. But, what do I want in life now? Mainly, as it turns out, to LEARN.
I gobble up new things, new thoughts, new ideas, new new new. And I can't get enough. What is my role in life? Is there a God? Is HE a SHE? Does HE/SHE in fact, have to be either sex? Is the Law of Attraction the secret? Well, really, what the BLEEP do I know?! Are we responsible for the conditions of our life or is it all set in stone beforehand? Do we, in fact, only have one life? Or several? Is there a Heaven and a Hell? Is heaven a beautiful golden city with angels and sinless souls floating around and singing praises to God? Is Hell a sea of fire and brimstone with the souls of the damned writhing in agony for eternity??
Well, this is what I was taught as a child, this image of Heaven and Hell. So, I better be a good girl, accept Jesus as my savior, go to church regularly, etc, etc. And then, thank you Jesus, I would get to go to Heaven when I died.
If I didn’t do the above, I would land in Hell.
I believed this for 35 years.

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